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Dear in the Lord Brothers and Sisters! As tensions continue to rise in Ukraine, it is important that we not descend into petty politics, but take the highest and most pious path – the path of prayer for peace. We have countless intercessors in Heaven, but in this internecine war perhaps none closer than the Holy Great Prince Vladimir. The Holy Church teaches us that our saints continue to grow spiritually even after earthly death. St Vladimir loved his country and people, and gave us the richest gift: Christianity. His love only continues to grow. Let us, therefore, all zealously ask his prayers before our merciful Lord for peace in the ancient lands of Rus, which he ruled so wisely that he was granted the Heavenly Kingdom. He is there now, before the throne of the Lord. Let us ask his intercession for his land – that the crisis will pass quickly, and that the prayers of the Church heard at each Divine Service for peace, will also be heard by the combatants in the present conflict. I strongly recommend that all the faithful of our Mid-American Diocese, every man, woman, and child, read this prayer before your icons daily, and ask St. Vladimir’s prayers before our Lord for a peaceful outcome to the present crisis: https://tinyurl.com/stvdcmaprayer In all parishes of the Mid-American diocese on Sunday, February 14/27, 2022, a special collection will be taken that will benefit the refugees and the other innocents suffering from the present military conflict. We urge our parishioners to be zealous in their support of those suffering. Their need is great, as is our opportunity to help them. All funds gathered will be forwarded to Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine so that he can use these funds to benefit those in the greatest need. Funds should be sent to: Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America In the memo section of the check please write: “For Refugees”. With Love in our Lord Jesus Christ, Archbishop Peter Prayer to the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal of the Apostles O great favorite of God, Prince Vladimir, equal of the apostles! Thou didst reject the false belief and impiety of the pagans. And, having received holy baptism, with the light of divine faith and piety thou didst illumine the whole land of Kievan Rus. Thou art our first leader to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Author and Accomplisher of our everlasting salvation; thou art the fervent intercessor and mediator for the civil authorities, the Christ-loving armed forces, and for all the people. O our all-good father and enlightener: look down upon our infirmities and entreat the all-merciful King of heaven, that he be not exceeding wroth with us; that He not destroy us in our iniquities, that He deliver us from internecine conflict; that He plant in our hearts the saving fear of Him; that He illumine our minds with His grace; and that we may understand the ways of the Lord. Entreat God Who loveth mankind, that He deliver us from the invasion of enemies, from internal strife, sedition and upheavals, and from every evil; that He grant us to have love one for another and oneness of mind, and that, living thus in peace on earth, we may be counted worthy with thee of the blessings of heaven, praising and exalting God supremely forever. Amen.