GERMAN DIOCESE: 23 October 2023
Statement by Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany on the government bill No. 8371 banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The Kiev government and Rada are using the same “loyalty and loyal clergymen” ploy with the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church as Trotsky and Lenin plotted in March, 1922, as did Stalin later employ with the “Declaration of Loyalty” (1927) of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky).

Now Patriarch Bartholomew is accusing the hierarchs of the UOC (as did at one time Metropolitan Sergius), insisting that the victims themselves are indeed violating law and are are being properly persecuted. Just as at that time Constantinople actively supported the “Living Church” to benefit Lenin and Stalin, promoting a pro-Soviet policy to help the regime at the time. The scene is now repeated a century later. Regarding freedom of religion and confession, only hatred and the profound trampling of elementary rights reign. This is a repeat of the Soviet Union, but under a different banner.

I appeal to the conscience of everyone who can directly act on these developing events, calling upon them to resist the persecution of the Church in the Ukrainian land, and all others to spiritually support the path of truth through prayer.

Berlin-Munich 7/20 October 2023.

+Mark, Metropolitan of Berlin and Germany

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