



OSSETIA: 4 September 2024
Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany takes part in memorial services and memorials dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack in the Beslan school No 1

On September 1, 2024, the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack in Beslan School No 1, His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany took part in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Beslan. Concelebrating were His Eminence Archbishop Gerasim of Vladikavkaz and Alania, Hieromonk Andrei (Ambalov), Rector of the Church, and Archpriest Andrei Sikojeff, Senior Priest of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Berlin and clergy of the Vladikavkaz Diocese.

The sermon before Communion was delivered by Hieromonk Andrei.

The liturgical hymns were sung by the bishop's choir of the Vladikavkaz Cathedral under the direction of conductor Maria Kachmazova.

Upon completion of Liturgy, Archbishop Gerasim addressed those present with an archpastoral sermon:

"Today is a special day for our Alanian land, a day of sorrow and mourning. Today is the twentieth anniversary of the terrible terrorist act that took place on this land. Our land is abundantly watered with the blood of innocent children and their parents, and of employees of special units who participated in the liberation of hostages. This day is especially sacred for us.

For twenty years we have been gathering here to pray for all the innocent murder victims, and to ask the Lord for forgiveness for the fact that we were neglectful, did not give love and attention to those people who passed away in those terrible days of early September 2004."

Metropolitan Mark donated to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Beslan particles of the holy relics of the Holy Martyrs Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Nun Barbara. He said:

"Today we heard the words of the Apostle Paul: 'For us, the last messengers, God has judged to be as condemned to death' (1 Corinthians 4:9). That is those whom the world mocks. We, Christians, consider our short-term stay on this earth as ‘sentenced,’ who at any moment await the end of our lives. Such people have been the conquerors of death in all ages. You can be victorious only in the name of Christ. When Christ lives in us and we live in Him, then we can be victorious over the evil that reigns in the world. The evil that happened here could only be done at the hands of people who had departed long ago and far from God, who did not remember that ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:16).

“God is peace, and we can call nothing victory except victory over sin and death. All of us, who have received Communion today, become victors over death. Therefore, when we pray for our dead, and especially for those who have suffered, we know that they are with Christ, and we cannot wish for anything better for them.

“I hope that you will cherish the memory of those who died here and gave their lives for our common life in Christ. I rejoice that you have created such a church here. I wish you success in its further adornment!"

On the same day, Metropolitan Mark and Archbishop Gerasim performed a memorial service in the gymnasium of School No 1, at the site of the mass death of the hostages.

On Monday, September 2, at the International Cultural and Patriotic Center "Beslan. School No 1” a round table titled "Remember to Live" was held.

The event was attended by the head of the Right-Bank District Soslan Fraev, Archbishop Gerasim, Metropolitan Mark, the Abbot of the Alanian Dormition Monastery Hieromonk Stefan (Dzugkoev), Abbess Nonna (Bagaeva) and others.

The topics of the round table included preserving the memory of the victims of the Beslan tragedy, the development of the International Cultural and Patriotic Center, preventive work to combat terrorism. The speakers also noted the common contribution of all those who helped former hostages and victims of the terrorist attack.

The round table also included a presentation of the book "The Red Cross. Beslan, We Are Together." This is a collection of stories of eyewitnesses of those events and archival photographs. About 30 people worked on the book for more than two years. A total of 100 copies were produced.

On Tuesday, September 3, Metropolitan Mark celebrated Divine Liturgy at the site of the mass death of hostages in the gymnasium of School No 1 in Beslan. Metropolitan Mark was co-served by Archbishop Gerasim; Archpriest Andrei and clergy of the Vladikavkaz Diocese.

During the Liturgy, prayers were lifted up for the repose of those who died during the terrorist attack, as well as for the soldiers of the special units "Alpha" and "Vympel", who, according to the commandment of the Savior, "laid down their lives for their friends" (John 15:13). Residents of Beslan, Vladikavkaz, other cities and villages of the republic, relatives of the victims and former hostages gathered for the archpastoral service.

Many of those present communed of Christ's Holy Mysteries.

The service was performed in Church Slavonic and Ossetian. The liturgical hymns were sung by the choir of the Cathedral of Vladikavkaz and the choir of the Orthodox Children's Choir Studio "Tsarevich" in Moscow under the direction of conductor Evgeny Tugarin.

In recognition of his work for the benefit of Ossetia, Archbishop Gerasim awarded Metropolitan Mark with the medal of the Vladikavkaz Diocese "For Good Deeds".

Based on materials from the website of the Vladikavkaz diocese.


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